

Des idées pour un socialisme du XXIe siècle ?

The new radicals

Cote : JACO

Les mouvements étudiants en Amérique Sit-ins, démonstrations against the Vietnam war, freedom rides, civil rights marches, teach-ins, the Berkeley free speech debate – the whole vocabulary of popular politics is being transformed by America’s new génération of political activists. This inside report reveals why young radicals today are as disillusioned with the Affluent Society as their fathers were with the America of the Dépression – and shows what they are doing about it, in anti-poverty drives, bids for racial intégration, éducation, and social reform. Their main enemy is not the right-wing bogey of.the past(although he still exists) but the smug, unthinking libéral who goes ‘ail the way with L.B.J.’ – but no further. The story of this movement which is pledged to undermine the corporate libéral state in the name of individual freedom is told hère with excerpts from New Left magazines, influential ‘beat’ poetry, and statements by the leaders of the various progressive groups.

Paul Jacobs et Saul Landau
1967 (1966)
18 x 11 cm, 336 p.
Penguin Books